Mar25: The Board of Directors voted to donate $10,000 to the
Air Commando Heritage Foundation (ACHF) To
read the details and the thank you letter from the commanding
officerclick here.
19 Jan 25:Lt/Col (Ret) Leonard M. Wills,
Covey 5W, slipped the surly bonds on a westbound heading
on 15Jan 2025. He flew OV-10s for the
20th TASS, and was a life member of the FAC Association. Click
here for details.
15 Jan 25:Col(USAF
"Joe" W. Chan, Nail 11 flewWeston
8 January 2025. Joe flew OV-10s for the 23rd TASS out of
Bien Hoa. He was a stalwart member of the FAC group in
Phoenix and a life member of the FAC Association. Slow
hand salute to this very brave warrior. To read a letter
from his family, click here.
07 Jan 25: Invitation to Join
Forces for FAC-FEST! The OV-10 Bronco Association
is excited to extend a special invitation to join forces in a
new, exhilarating venture - FAC FEST!As an outgrowth of
our beloved Bronco Fest, FAC FEST will bring together current
and past Flyers, Fixers, and Fans of the OV-10 Bronco and
other FAC and associated aircraft. Our mission? To preserve
the rich history, heritage, and stories of all those who have
been part of the Forward Air Control (FAC) missions.
Read the formal invitation and survey,Click Here.
26 Dec 24: B/Gen(USAF Ret)Peter L. Drahn, Red Marker06, slipped
the surly bonds on 10 December 2024. Pete flew
O-1s for the 19th TASS out of Bien Hoa and Cat Lai from November
1967-68. He was a life member of the Association.
Slow hand salute to this very brave warrior. His obituary can be read at https://www.nimsgernfuneral.com/obituaries/peter-drahn
Dec 24:Maj
(USAF Ret) Gary E.
McDaniel, Nail 76, Hammer76, slipped the surly bonds and
flew west on 08 December 2024. Gary flew O-2s for
the 23TASS during his tour. He was a life member and a
director of the Association. Final arrangements can be
read at the Schertz Funeral Home website; tap
here to go there.
11 Dec 24:Maj
Ret) Vern Spohn Jr, Nail 30/Zipgun 30, flew west
on 01 June 2024. Vern flew OV10s and O-2s for the
23 TASS. He was a life member of the Association.
Slow hand salute to this brave warrior. Click
here to read his obituary and details.
Dec 24:LtCol
USAF Ret. Raymond C. Nellis, Nail 04, flew
weston 05 Dec 2024. Ray flew OV10s out of
NKP for the 23rd TASS. He
was a life member. Slow
hand salute for this brave warrior. Click
Here to read his obituary.
25 Jul 25: Dallas L.
Smith, MaiSao 13, Flew West On 02 Nov2023.
Dallas flew O-1s and U-17 out of country. He was a
Life Member of FACA. Slow hand salute to this brave warrior. Click
08 Jul 24: Hen Min Hiu, Cutie 11, Flew
West on 15 Jun 2024 in Las Vegas NV. Click
here to read a very nice tribute by a fellow FAC.
07 Jul 24: Col (USAF
Ret) Edward L. Claiborn, Helix 21 flew West in 15
Jan 2019. Ed flew O-2s for the 20th TASS out of Chu
Lai. Click here for
more details and his obituary Slow hand salute to this
brave warrior.
22 May 24: Legacy Pictures Request: Looking
for pictures to be displayed in a museum of 20 TASS activities
during the War in Southeast Asia. Click here
for details.
16 Mar
24: Reunion Update, Hotel
registration notice. Click
11 Mar 24:
Lt Col (USAF Ret.) Albert Muller,
Nail 10, flew west on 16 Nov 23.All flew OV-10s for
the 23rd TASS out of Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air
Force Base. Al was a life member of the Association. Click
here for Details and Obituary
15 Feb 24: Craig
Steven French, Cutie, flew west on 13 July 2023.Craig flew O-2s as a
FAC for the 21 TASS out of Phan Rang in 1971 and Osan for the 19th
TASS in 1972
. For detailsand obituary link click here
10 Feb 24: LtCol
Aaron B. “Buck” Loggins, Bird Dog 81, took his final
flight 10 February 2023.Doctor Loggins was 91.He flew O-1s for the 20th TASS out of
Kontum, DaNang, Ubon, and NKP.He had two tours.For details and obituary click here.
10 Feb 24: Col
(USAF Ret.) Norris J. Krone Jr.,
Bird Dog 43, flew west on 28 June 2019.Norris was a member of
the 20th TASS from September 1970 – March 1971. For
details and obituary click here.
10 Feb 24: Maj
(USAF Ret.) William Henry “Hank” Hilbun III, Dixie
flew West 08 Sep 2023.Hank
flew 0-1s for the 23rd TASS out of Nakhom Phanom,
Thailand. Slow hand salute to this brave comrade in
arms. Details click here