Humorous Mission - Jerry Swain

Bat lake view through the clouds.  Monsoon season made for some boring missions.  Hillsborough wouldn't let you go home so you spent your time looking for a hole in the under-cast in hopes you could drop and air strike on some sort of target.  One day after droning on and on, a hole opened up and all sorts of targets were available.  People on the roads, vehicles, fortified structures, a gold mine of activity and movers.  But before any air could be requested the hole closed.  I made a note to go back on a better day and finish what I had wanted to start.  But with solid clouds there were no land marks and the TACAN and ADF stations weren't locking on.  I had to find out where this location was. Now a trick was to fly straight and level, at a constant airspeed in a fixed direction with your clock running until you saw something you recognized, then check a map and read backwards with the time, distance, azimuth calculations.  I was lucky I didn't announce my good fortune at seeing so many targets right away.  When I did the math it seemed I had been scoping out targets around Bat lake, well inside North Vietnam.