Two Most Remembered Missions


 a.  Carl Luhrman and I went out one moon lite night to face the tiger.
 The Laoatian sector we patrolled was tiger as you know.  That night
 seemed quite and so serene, as we preceeded to delta 87 to be on scene.
 Arriving there, Carl looked down and spoted lights of trucks that abound.
  I, half awake looked over his shoulder only to discover, holy shit the
 AAA was coming up like clover.  Asking Carl to open both eyes, only
 proved we didn't want to be in the sky.  Breaking 180 proved the lights
 were only brighter and weren't moving a bit.  So I reversed the break,
 only proving my mistake.  As the basketballs approached, I decided to
 close my eyes, nothing to do, so it seemed wise to grit my teeth and
 prepare to die.  We were at that point perpendicular to the earth,
 providing a profile that was as wide as the height of our plane.   Well,
 couldn't stand that either, so open my eyes only to discover 27mm passing
 by.  The tracer lights were visible at our feet, over our head, infront
 of our eyes.  Those missiles encompassed half the plane, only to miss by
 inches it seemed.  They passed by our heads, our feet, infront of the
 prop and infront of the windsheild over the cowling.The prop was still
 turning, and we  were still there.  The fact that we were vertical helped
 save us that night and so did some angel who looked on at our plight.
 To this day we are not sure if we still live in the same world or one
 beyond, but youall keep reminding us that that is wrong.  We do still
 live here, we do not know how, but lady luck was with us and we
 appreciate her now.

 b.  Rhody Nurnburg and I went out one night to our sector which was
 having one hell'va fight.  We were drooling for action and didn't want to
 miss the fight, so when I smelled rubber, Rhody denighed I was right.  We
 continued our course and the smoke got thicker, finally Rhody told me we
 were on fire.  I protested because he couldn't smell, at that moment the
 rear engine fire light came on, what the hell.  So we turned back to
 Danang and feathered the engine, the light went out, so no more
 contention.  The stench did remain, but what do you expect, burnt
 material always has that effect.  So we continued back to Danang on the
 front engine, slowly sinking into the mountains, finally making to the
 Danang delta.  Then we remembered we still had ordnance.  So we headed
 over the ocean east of Danang, as a strong discussion pursued as to the
 procedures to do.  The discussion was over the shortage of pylons and
 munitions verses the squadrons policy to juttisson munitions.  Thanks to
 Rhody, we did jettison all and I didn't get court marshalled for that
 flight.  We arrived at Danang in a case of withdrawl.  Upon parking, the
 crew chief said, your lights are dim, oil is on your front engine
 cowling, so what you been doing.
 Aftermath,  It turned out that that fire loop was faulty on the rear
 engine.  The generator on the front engine had broke loose causing the
 smell and smoke.  Oil was draining all over the front engine compartment
 and the alternate was disintegraing into metal shavings.  We were lucky
 to make it back to base.
 That lesson saved my life in F4s, I didn't shut the engine down because
 the fire was not visibile.  Again a faulty fire warning loop.

 Another mission
 My roommate and I went out on our end of tour mission.  I was very
 frustrated over the year with the whole operation, as it seemed that we
 worked extremely hard, took a lot of chances and had a very ineffectual
 results.  I think the number of confirmed kills for all those missions
 was less than the fingers on both hands.  Anyway, we were out the
 somewhere between a place called Chevane (?sp) and So Vietnam.  The road
 was busy, trucks and bunkers gallor.  So my frustration took over, I
 wanted to destroy all those trucks.  We had two pods of willy pets.
 Lynn, wisely, knew there was little chance of success and was trying to
 tell me to forget it.  He had his new camera along, and was taking
 pictures.  He showed them to me at the last reunion, pointed out how
 foolish I was in letting my frustration get the upper hand.  It was a
 wonder we didn't get shot down.  And he would never have forgiven me it
 he lost that camera on that mission.  By the way, 2 pods of willys hit
 nothing.  Lynn did forgive me.  Wasn't sure he ever would.

 I did my checkout as did many others with Col Blanton.  I wish to credit
 that man with saving many of our lives.  His evaluation of how to kill
 the enemy and perserver yourself saved our section many deaths.  Some of
 my comrades from pilot training were in other 20 TASS sections and died
 needlessly.  One I remember the most was a young kid that on his first
 flight with the ALO who took him into our territory at 1500 feet AGL.
 Needless to say their O2A did not survive very long.  He and I went thru
 pilot training together, in Covey he would have lived.