17 Mar25: The Board of Directors voted to donate $10,000 to the Air Commando Heritage Foundation (ACHF)  To read the details and the thank you letter from the commanding officer click here.

19 Jan 25:Lt/Col (Ret) Leonardflew-west/wills-leonard.jpg M. Wills, Covey 5W, slipped the surly bonds on a westbound heading on 15 Jan 2025.  He flew OV-10s for the 20th TASS, and was a life member of the FAC Association.  Click here for details.

15 Jan 25:flew-west/chan-joe.jpgCol(USAF Ret) Joseph "Joe" W. Chan, Nail 11 flew West on 8 January 2025. Joe flew OV-10s for the 23rd TASS out of Bien Hoa.  He was a stalwart member of the FAC group in Phoenix and a life member of the FAC Association.  Slow hand salute to this very brave warrior.  To read a letter from his family, click here.

07 Jan 25: Invitation to Join Forces for FAC-FEST!  The OV-10 Bronconotam-board/image001.gif Association is excited to extend a special invitation to join forces in a new, exhilarating venture - FAC FEST! As an outgrowth of our beloved Bronco Fest, FAC FEST will bring together current and past Flyers, Fixers, and Fans of the OV-10 Bronco and other FAC and associated aircraft. Our mission? To preserve the rich history, heritage, and stories of all those who have been part of the Forward Air Control (FAC) missions.  Read the formal invitation and survey, Click Here.

flew-west/drahn-pete.jpg26 Dec 24: B/Gen (USAF Ret) Peter L. Drahn, Red Marker06, slipped the surly bonds on 10 December 2024.  Pete flew O-1s for the 19th TASS out of Bien Hoa and Cat Lai from November 1967-68.  He was a life member of the Association.  Slow hand salute to this very brave warrior.  His obituary can be read at  brave

13 Dec 24:Maj (USAF Ret) Garyflew-west/mcdaniel-gary.jpg E. McDaniel, Nail 76, Hammer76, slipped the surly bonds and flew west on 08 December 2024.  Gary flew O-2s for the 23TASS during his tour.  He was a life member and a director of the Association.  Final arrangements can be read at the Schertz Funeral Home website; tap here to go there.

Forward Air Controller's Association

Home Page

This site is dedicated to personnel who supported and flew the Forward Air Controller mission, during the war in Southeast Asia and to those who are interested in that mission.  It serves as a rallying point and a depository for their stories and their legacy.  They represent several countries, different branches of service, a variety of aircraft, and all ranks from the lowest to the highest. 

It was a chancy mission, many gave all, yet the job satisfaction was through the overhead.  We welcome all those interested in the mission and the experiences of the Forward Air Controllers.  We are glad you are here.

              President (Retired): Brad Wright
                            Covey 251

                     SITE  MAP AND INDEX

ABOUT US - the FAC Association
ABOUT FACS - Forward Air Controllers
REMEMBRANCE -Tributes to the fallen then and now.

One More Roll

"We toast our hearty comrades,

now fallen from the sky,

Were gently caught by

God’s own hand

to reign with him on high.

To dwell among the soaring

clouds they knew so well before,

From Victory Roll to Tailchase

at heaven’s very door.

Now, as we fly among them

there, we sadly hear their plea,

Take care, my friend,

Watch your Six…

And do one more roll for me."

     Commander Gerald L. "Jerry" Coffee

This site was last revised on 27 Mar 25.

Information on this site is believed to be correct.  If an error exist, please bring it to the attention of the webmaster.

Webmaster's note:
With few exceptions, the color of our airplanes was gray with black lettering and red to mark dangerous areas.  We have attempted to follow that same color scheme on this website.

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