This is a list of those FACs who took their last flight during 2023 and some from other years because we recently discovered their passing.

Flew West 2024

Slow hand salute to these brave warriors

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Hen Min Hiu, a FAC in Vietnam from Oct 1968 until he was shot down in July 1969, flew West on 15 June '24, at his new home in Las Vegas.   In Vietnam, he was based in Tuy Hua Province in support of  South Korean troops, mostly out in the wilds.  He survived his shoot down and was pulled from the wreckage  by the South Koreans.
His injuries were severe and over the years have resulted in dozens of surgeries.  After years of recovery he became a very successful lawyer on the West Coast.

Audrey and I have visited with Hen Min and his wife Arlene, periodically here over the decades.  We always marveled at how he maintained such a positive view of life despite his recurring FAC related injuries.  He always seemed to have "that" smile.

Some may remember that Hen Min was the Manager of the first "FAC Reunion" here in Hawaii.  That's when Bill Ernst helped us install the FAC Marker at Honolulu's "Punchbowl Cemetery." 
Hen Min is survived by his 3 sons and wife Arlene.  They plan to conduct his funeral at (would you believe) "Punchbowl National Cemetery," Honolulu, this year on 15 October.  We will of course, keep folks apprised of details.  One thing Arlene asked me in our recent phone conversation was about how to arrange for a fly-over during the ceremony.
I'd appreciate any help that can be offered on that one.  We have a few ideas to follow up on.  She did mention that one son was an F-22 pilot here at Hickam AFB and he may be able to work something.  I also know a couple pilots who have conducted Fly-bys in small private aircraft over the years, so I'll be talking to them.  Meanwhile, I'd appreciate any ideas from you all, who might have an inside scoop on how to facilitate making that happen.
I'll send along the Obituary as soon as it is available.
As we say, "A slow salute to our departed comrade."

FACNET Hooch.  Thought I'd follow up on the latest I have from Arlene Hiu, and share some of our initial newsletter info on the "2002 FAC Reunion" here in Honolulu that Hen Min chaired for us.
Honolulu Newpaper Obituary Hen Min Hiu, 11 Aug 24
Article in Honolulu Paper about Hen Min and the FAC Reunion 2002.
FAC newsletter 2002 - Reunion  (Lots of familiar names here)
FAC Newsletter Dec 2001
Covey 252 / 152 / Trail 67