Membership in


is a simple process


If you’re interested in the mission of Forward Air Controller, tactics and history, you are invited to join. You need not have been part of the endeavor.  The requirements are simple.  Complete the application form, agree to abide by the bylaws and pay dues, if required.  There are three types of members, Regular, Associate and Honorary.  The specific requirements for each type are found in Article 3 of the bylaws.  You may read the Association Bylaws by clicking on the link below. 

Our Bylaws


Annual dues are $20  


Life membership dues depend on your age

             55yrs and under—-$225

             56 to 60 yrs        — $200

             61 to 65 yrs         —$175

             66 to 69 yrs         —$150

             70 to 75 yrs         ---$125

             76+ yrs                ---$100


Click on the link below fill in the form, and then mail your Check to:


Trey Moran

 Box 222

Polson, MT. 59860




FAC Association Membership and Annual Dues Form









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